The Calvary located on Rue du Trinvil was erected on March 1st 1891, following the mission preached in Saint Quentin Lamotte from 8th February to 1st March 1891 by MM. Bonnerue and Murêt, Lazarists.
A parish mission is a spiritual retreat « in everyday life » adapted to
parish communities, particularly in rural parishes. During several days, or even a whole week, it consists in multiple spiritual exercises (processions, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, rosary recitations, confessions, masses, etc.) punctuated by preachings and religious conferences given by an outside group of preachers and ending with a great Eucharistic celebration.
Often a cross, or a large crucifix, was erected in a public place as a
memorial of the mission. These missions have fallen into disuse in Western Europe in the 1960s.