A long time ago, two old boys decided to build their house after work.
Not knowing what to call it, they decided to name it « Le Temps Perdu » (« Lost Time »), because they had built their house in their lost time.
Towards the end of the 19th century, Mr. Noël Hebert held this café. He then built the house next to the said café in the 1890s. This house also became a second café run by Mr. Hebert. It was named « Au chien qui fume » (« The smoking dog »).
The « Relais Picard » was run by Mr. and Mrs. Desmont during the First World War. On the facade of the café, there was a drawing of a white man scrubbing a black man with a brush. Underneath the drawing was the inscription: « You have been brushing me for three hours and I’m not turning white ». This drawing still existed after the Second World War !
The Relais Picard still exists, and it is still possible to eat there or simply have a drink. This establishment also offers a hotel service.